COVID countdown to sanity

I’m a working mum. A working mum in PR and marketing is the norm these days in an industry proudly dominated by the female species. Multi-tasking is a prerequisite of both jobs and I used to pride myself on my plate spinning skills. That was before the C-word and home-schooling was thrown into the mix. My COVID juggling skills have been tested to the max to avoid my life being transformed into a chaotic circus.

When the government announced that schools would close, I threw myself with gusto into a colour-coded daily school planner and signed up to every free online teaching app, read every blog and post about how to make fairy castles out of an old milk carton and like most mums around the country, I tried to force my kids into ‘doing’ Joe Wicks every morning. My plan was to shoehorn and share this workload with my other half – we would be like the Waltons, living and working in perfect harmony.

Working to a more flexible diary in my locked-down home, I also planned to get fit, lose weight, grow vegetables, clear out my size 10 wardrobe, declutter my chipped plates and unused kitchen gadgets, throw out all out of date medicine, put photos in albums, try yoga, drink more water, teach my girls to sew (not that I’ve picked up a needle since my disastrous peg bag aged 13), eat less cheese and add new meat-free recipes to my repertoire. And FaceTime friends and family with cheerful and uplifting anecdotes every day.

How naïve. How blindly optimistic. How ridiculous.

I have achieved none of the above in my ‘free’ time. Neither have I written a best-selling novel or learnt a new language with the exception of disguised, kid-friendly swearing. I still don’t connect with my inner or outer zen through yoga or meditation. My garden is vegetable-less and I have not written a million pound post-COVID business plan or even Marie Kondo’d my cutlery drawer. 

What I have done is desperately attempt to combine successful working from home with mediocre, haphazard home-schooling. Colouring by numbers and Little Mix dance routines are valuable life skills, right?

I’ve also plodded round the same park with 2 kids who moan like I’ve taken them to a sweet shop and made them eat kiwi fruit,  ‘cleaned’ the kitchen with baby wipes, cooked around 27 meals a day and worried about sourcing pasta as that’s all my youngest will eat. Now I know nursery lies when they tell me she asked for seconds of the vegetable tagine and cous cous. I’m also biting my tongue at how LOUD my husband types. Actually, I’m not biting at all. We really couldn’t be any less Walton-like.

Oh, and I mustn’t forget about keeping the family safe with anti-bacterial gel that I had to queue for 30 minutes for just 30ml of this caviar priced product. So, regrettably I have no available timeslots to hone my down-dog skills or bake bread. Like supermarket deliveries, I’m fully booked up for weeks.

In the meantime, all the motivational gurus who claim that we’ll come out of this quarantine with a new life skill, slimmer and fitter can quite frankly do one. And all the influencers and celebrities who are out-crafting, out-baking and out-meditating each other, please keep your tweets to yourself.  If you come out of this with your sanity, in my unwritten book you’re winning. 

Home, not alone

Coronavirus (Covid-19) has hit the world hard. Really hard. It has put a big, brutal spanner in our personal and professional works. The ‘new normal’ is anything but normal.

It’s unsettling and scary. The only certainty is uncertainty.

In a business context, we’re having to adapt to digital meetings and engaging over email. Office banter is now a Youtube link or a meme. Work colleagues, families and friends are separated. The daily commute is bedroom to dining room. Boardroom directors are finding out that controlling maverick marketing managers and budgets is childsplay compared to home schooling. Teachers have been elevated to hero status in most UK households. NHS staff to superheroes.

Which leaves us PR and Marketing professionals feeling humbled and in awe. But we still want to do our bit to help – to keep products and services selling and businesses surviving. We can’t throw in the towel onto a growing pile of budget cuts and furloughed out of office notices. And while we’re not saving lives or educating future generations, we can still do our bit to help businesses keep their employers informed and clients engaged – just with an added dose of sensitivity. We can also help them maintain a healthy-ish pipeline and new business leads for when all of this is over. And be ready with some much-needed positive news stories.

This pandemic has brought out the very best in people – and the very worst. But as stone blunts scissors, good blunts evil. Families, neighbours and business communities are closer than ever despite the physical distance – finding new and innovative ways to connect and communicate to fight the good fight.

Connectivity was the buzz word last year. We were all connected socially and professionally by thousands of webinars, podcasts, apps and social media – 24/7, 365 days a year. Success was measured by amassing followers and likes.

Success today is about survival.

And connectivity has taken on a new meaning. Nothing to do with tech. Nothing to do with big data, IoT or generating retweets or comments.

It’s about being truly connected to everyone and everything that truly matters – friends, family, clients and work colleagues who if you’re lucky, become friends and like an extended family. If you’re reading this – you know who you are.

Being connected in April 2020 is knowing everyone we care for is safe and healthy.

On that note, Cameron Wells will be connected at 8pm tonight to pay tribute and give immeasurable thanks to the real heroes who are giving up being physically connected to their families – so that we can take care of ours.

All change

Change is the only constant in life according to Greek philosopher Heraclitus. Social and digital trends explode onto our tablets and into our lives then fade away. Remember the furore of Friends Reunited? Brands come and go. Bye bye BHS and Blockbuster. As do celebrities who have their 5 minutes of fame then crash and burn then join Big Brother or rehab. But change is inevitable. That’s why fashion fads come and go (thankfully in the case of the rah rah). Change is also as good as a rest. That’s why we need so many handbags, right ladies? And so many nights out with friends to discuss the merits of each.

Change can be exciting and exhilarating. But it can also be overwhelming and daunting. After almost 15 years on the B2B PR and Marketing scene, it’s time for a change. New brand, new colours, new font, new website.

But same great team. Same great work. Same enthusiasm and passion for all things B2B.

In our game you need to stay ahead of the game. So before we embarked on our own rebrand we treated ourselves as a new client and thoroughly researched the market, competitors and trends first. Then of course we brainstormed, thought-showered, mood boarded and SWOTed, thought outside the proverbial box to come up with concepts, names, straplines, colours, brand values, USPs then wrote a well-thought out creative brief…

Farewell Cameron Wells.

Hello CW: Creative wordsmiths. Campaign winners. Commercial wizards. Consistently wow.

CW just got brighter. 

Our new brand colour is yellow.  According to colour psychologists, it means happiness and optimism. It is the colour of creativity, high energy, enthusiasm, hope, fun, and cheerfulness.

Think that sums us up perfectly.

In between our rebrand, we were busy getting nominated for a CIPR award, wining new clients and keeping old ones happy. Doing what Cameron Wells did best and CW will continue to do in our predecessors award-winning footsteps.

Web trends for 2020 and beyond

So what did our web trend research for our own new website reveal as the do’s and don’ts for the next few years?

Here are the top 5 to help keep your website fresh and your clients not complaining about thumb RSI.

1. Mobile first design

Responsive and mobile-friendly web design isn’t optional anymore. In fact, your site should be designed with mobile in mind first. The number of mobile searches overtook desktop searches several years ago and now it’s estimated that over two thirds of people carry out searches using their smartphones.

2. Bold colour and minimalism

Minimalism goes hand-in-hand with one of 2020’s biggest web design trends: colour. Bold, bright, colours will help your brand stand out against the soft neutrals that a lot of companies have chosen over the past few years.

Using colour mindfully to evoke certain moods will be big in 2020. Colour psychology has been used by marketers for years to help create brands and influence consumer perceptions and buying behaviour.

3. Organic shapes

Move over geometric shapes of 2019. In 2020, it’s all about organic shapes. Organic or fluid shapes are anything that doesn’t involve straight lines and are inspired by nature, like undulating hills or the asymmetrical and winding curve of a lake or river.

Fluid shapes are a great way to break up sections of a website without harsh lines or angles or to use as integral to background design.

4. Smart video

Video has long been a must-have for websites. People love to watch people. Video is engaging. Video grabs attention. It’s one of the most effective online marketing tools if it has purpose and meaning. Gone are the days of embedding a YouTube video on your site just for the sake of it. One content rich, high quality video is better than a dozen contrived, untargeted ones.

5. Thumb-friendly mobile navigation

In 2020, web design will be all about thumb-friendly design.

If you’re reading this on your phone, look at the way you’re holding it. Your fingers are probably wrapped around the back of your phone leaving your thumb to do all the work. Putting the navigation bar, menu, and even contact buttons in the space your thumb can easily reach makes your site easier to use and improves the customer experience tenfold. And no threat of thumb RSI. Enjoy our new, smart, bright, minimalist, thumb-friendly website…

The removal of the instagram following tab – a good or bad move?

You know what? I’m pretty obsessed with social media.

I mean, I have to be for my job but I do like it in my personal life too. From finding out the latest Brexit saga on Twitter to reading the Coleen Rooney / Rebekah Vardy beef on Instagram, social media serves up an unrivalled mix of entertainment, news and social interaction in one fell swoop.

But I do find myself on there too much, mindlessly scrolling when I’m supposed to be watching the latest episode of Peaky Blinders and having to rewind (much to everyone’s annoyance).

This is why I’m coming round to Instagram’s shock move of deleting its following tab from users’ accounts. It provided yet another way of staying on the app longer for me and my fellow obsessives, another feed to scroll, another time-wasting exercise.  

However, from a business and marketing perspective, I’m worried removing this tab could do brands and influencers harm in the long run.

I used this feed to discover new accounts, with most of my ‘I don’t know you in real life’ follows coming from this tab. Yes, there’s still the ‘explore’ section of the app but a good majority of those images are from accounts I’m not really interested in.

I asked quite a few of my other Instagram-loving friends if the following feed was something they benefited from. Many did, agreeing that it was somewhere they could find new people or brands to follow via their like-minded friend’s activity. Others weren’t too fussed about its demise – they said it was nice knowing people weren’t lurking in the background watching what they were doing.

Could this mean the number of new followers to a company account will slow down? Who knows. What with the number of likes soon disappearing on photos, will brands start to feel the impact of change on Instagram? I guess we’ll soon find out.

As for me, I promise to use the time I would have spent on the following tab on something more valuable. Like looking at Boris Johnson memes on Twitter.

Marketing with purpose

There’s nothing less meaningful in marketing than jumping on a bandwagon just because you can. Just because it’s passing by and everyone else is on board. It’s always tempting to follow the crowd for #FOMO. That’s why I started watching Game of Thrones – albeit I was very late to the medieval party. So late the finale was final. But I felt like I was the only person on planet earth not tuning into the much tweeted fantasy epic so I boarded the HBO bandwagon in order to have conversation to contribute at the next work night out. Discovering the acting attributes of Nikolaja and Kit was a bonus.

The problem with bandwagons – they often take you down a road where you shouldn’t be. 

In 2018 brands recognised that going green was a golden business opportunity. 2019 is all about going even greener. Green might be still be en vogue, but shouting about going green without meaning it couldn’t be less in fashion. Committing to going green without actually doing it is the most earth – and brand damaging thing you can do this year.

Brands are adopting various shades of green in order to strengthen their brand humanity. Yes that is the phrase of the year marketing and PR folks – putting humanity into branding is what 2019 is all about.

True investment in brand humanity is going beyond saying no to plastic or making a significant donation to a worthy cause once a year. It’s so much more than a tick box on your Corporate Social Responsibility strategy. It requires a genuine belief that by “doing good,” you are doing good business.

This movement towards purpose-led marketing needs to be deep-rooted into business DNA – from boardroom to shopfloor. It can’t just be lip service that forms the creative springboard for a new great advertising campaign or a quick fix to engage with conscious consumers on a deeper level.

Adopting purpose-driven marketing doesn’t mean that making profit is no longer a business driver. It means that “doing good” along the path to profit can be part of that journey.

But brands embarking on this ‘good’ journey must be mindful that consumers are a cynical bunch and any purpose taken up by a brand needs to be an authentic and legitimate reflection of what the brand stands for. Otherwise it will do more harm than good.

Supermarket chain Iceland learnt the hard way after it pledged to remove all palm oil from its own-label products by the end of 2018. The pledge seemed so incongruous with the brand beliefs held by consumers. Iceland had never been green. But customers were prepared to listen and be convinced by the new green brand on the block. However, when it was revealed that they were still selling 28 own-brand products containing palm oil, as well as more than 600 from other brands – its noble promise backfired. A spectacular example of purpose marketing which failed in its purpose. #wetoldyouso #weknewitwastoogoodtobetrue

The allure of purpose marketing is obvious. But brands need to put their budget where their mouth is and ensure they ‘walk the walk’ as well as ‘talk the talk’. Or they risk being named and shamed on social media and a world wide web that never forgets.

Good business in 2019 is more than buying a bandwagon ticket then enjoying the short ride. It’s about being on board for the long-haul.   

That’s why at Cameron Wells we’re doing our bit. Unwanted dogs is our purpose in 2019 and beyond. We will be supporting Manchester and Cheshire Dogs’ Home with their PR and marketing efforts to house more dogs.

One purpose that will never go out of fashion. Fur is back in fashion. Black, brown and white are the new green.

On a personal level I will be disembarking the GOT bandwagon. Westeros just isn’t the destination for me. Next stop Love Island.

Our United Kingdom

It doesn’t take much to get us all together does it? To get us all singing from the same hymn sheet. To feel like we’re all in the same boat. One for all and all for one.

Give us a two week spell of sunshine, a good glitzy wedding and a global football tournament and we will wildly and blindly applaud and chant and sing. Sing like we’re winning. Sing like we’re invincible and anything is possible. Even a happy ever after celeb-royal union and an English football squad with goals galore at their feet.

Royal fanatics and football fanatics are happy right now. Basking in the glow of what if and what next. Another royal baby?  A 52 year long awaited trophy?

We are united in anticipation.

In advertising we are united in anticipation of the frenzy of football focused ad campaigns – from the utterly brilliant to the shoehorn it in and hope for the best.

Sadly the utterly brilliant are few and far between these days. Innovation, creativity and imagination in advertising has been thwarted in recent years. Even the creators themselves aren’t as maverick or notorious as they once were back in the advertising heyday of the 80s.

Brilliant adverts have been side-lined in favour of big data, cost-cutting and simply doing what the research says. Or what Twitter and Facebook allows.

Remember a boy on a bike. A man looking for a book. A mash-making robot. A singing vacuuming housewife. A group of surfers. A drumming gorilla. A gin-drinking grandma.

What have this disparate group got in in common? They are the stars of the UK’s favourite marketing campaigns of the past five decades, the ones that stole the public’s hearts.

Great advertising can elevate the status of a brand to such an extent that it becomes synonymous with culture. And synonymous with huge brand growth. Even if you hate the product. Just ask my mate Marmite.

So come on England. Come on Guinness. Come on Hovis. Give us something to sing about.

You don’t have to be riche to be niche

A 30-second ad during ITV’s breakfast schedule during Good Morning Britain costs around £3,000 to £4,000. At peak rate it can cost up to £30,000. And if you want to be sandwiched in the X Factor final expect to pay £200,000 plus.

Time really is money.

And I’ve just been complaining about the cost of my daughter’s nursery at £48 per day. That’s 28,800 seconds of education, entertainment, cuddles, storytelling, gloop and role play, nursing, feeding and nappy changing. Suddenly it seems very cheap. Very cheap indeed. To do the things that traditionally I should be doing. But I admit that I don’t have the skills to make a paper-mache masterpiece fit for Peppa and George. So I outsource that job to the nursery who do it so much better than I ever could.

A bit like the role of an ad or PR agency. Outsource the things you don’t have time, inclination or skillset to do yourself.

Years ago it was deemed very middle-upper class to send your child to nursery. And the privilege of only top universal brands to use PR and advertising agencies. Now it’s a necessity to allow working mums to well… work. And small brands to grow and big brands to grow even bigger.

Just over 100 years ago, only rich people had cars, then Henry Ford came along and drove down the cost through mass manufacturing and ensured that everybody could have a car. Even us.

Years ago, eating out was what wealthy people did. When I was a child, an annual trip to KFC and the Bernie Inn was the pinnacle of decadence. My children beat that in just one week.

Even low cost airlines have democratised travel so that we can book a flight for the price of a round of drinks.

But the latest thing the rich and time-poor business people want is time, not possessions. Anything that saves time is on the must-have lust list. Today we can already use our smartphones as our virtual PA with the likes of Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa. Your smartphone is your camera, torch, ghetto blaster, VHS player, microphone, map and husband finder all rolled into one.

What is unimaginable today will be for the well-heeled and wealthy tomorrow then one day, ubiquitous.

So look out rich, we’re right behind you. Always just right behind you.

The same can be said in PR and marketing. You no longer need a big agency and big brand budgets to reap big brand results. Just ask our clients.

Buy yourself some time. Outsource your PR, social, content and lead generation campaigns to an agency that delivers.

So look out Saatchi and Shandwick, we’re right behind you. Always just right behind you.

Email marketing. The comeback king.

Tried and tested. Been there, done that. Why change a winning formula just because it’s not as sexy as social or dynamic as DRTV?

Like a comfy pair of old slippers, you know what you’re getting and you know what you’re doing with email marketing. And it delivers unquestionable results and ROI. That’s why email marketing has never dropped off our most successful client campaigns.

Our award-winning lead nurturing emailers are the proof in the pudding. Our tactical email campaigns helped open doors to FTSE 250 HR Directors and hard-to-reach professionals generating a 23% meeting arrangement rate for Willis Towers Watson. Get in.

While some predicted its demise a few years ago when social media became the new kid on the block, we stayed faithful to our old friend. Email, we never doubted you for a second.

Thanks to the arrival of new technologies, which are making emailers creatively more engaging and technically more timely and personal, email marketing is basking in glory again. Email is enjoying a revival to rival eighties perms and scrunchies (yes they are making a comeback too) making it cool again. So don’t be ashamed to include it on your next marketing plan.

Given return on investment for email increased from an estimated £30.03 for every £1 spent in 2016 to £32.28 in 2017 (source DMA’s Marketer Email Tracker 2018 report) it’s no wonder 86% of marketers say it is ‘important’ or ‘very important’ to their multichannel marketing strategy.

In fact, 73% of marketers rate email as the number one digital channel for ROI, according to a separate study by Marketing Week’s sister brand Econsultancy.

Probably why brands from Virgin Holidays to Cancer Research UK use email at every stage of the customer journey as part of their lead generation and conversion strategies. And why Willis Towers Watson still employ us 10 years on to do their stalwart email campaigns.

We don’t like to gloat or say we told you so. But we told you so. Sometimes the old ones are the best.

Great and united

Great Britain may not look too great right now and the United Kingdom doesn’t feel very united with anywhere or anything. Everything feels a bit wrong. But then something happens to remind you that sometimes we get it right. So very right.

Year after year, Red Nose day is testament to that. So we may be suffocating in political hot air and drowning in Brexit turbulent waters but over £63 million raised shows that we are still pretty great at giving. And very united when it comes to caring. Pretty awesome in fact. Generous, humble and compassionate, that’s us. Just generally good eggs that have got caught up in the chaos of the battery cage.

So Europe don’t judge us on a blip. A temporary moment of madness that has had far reaching repercussions. We’re still the same deep down. We still love to queue and drink tea and make great period dramas. We’re still, on the whole nice, decent people. And still good to do business with.

Now or never, deal or no deal, Brexit will affect us all. That much is certain. The uncertainty is by when and by how much. This uncertainty has triggered much furore across TV and Twitter. You can scarcely tune into the airwaves, open a newspaper or go for a quiet pint in the pub without the B word making an unwelcome entrance – barging in with its long face and interrupting with its voice of doom.

Thanks to the omnipresent B word, Marketing and PR budget planning is a finger in the air. Marketing directors are throwing their hands up in the air. Brand managers may as well roll a dice. Or put everything on red.  A general atmosphere of unease has infiltrated every boardroom. But amongst the upheaval there is always opportunity.

So get off the bandwagon of Brexit doom and get business buzzing again. Put politics aside and march on following these five steps…

  1. Consistency
    Amid the confusion, businesses can help create stability. By communicating that it’s “business as usual” and re-affirming core customer-centric values and commitment to putting the customer’s needs first, brands can become a beacon of light within the bleak world of the uncertain.
  2. Clarity
    Confidence in government is dwindling but this can be transformed into an opportunity for business to reaffirm and retain credibility through confident leadership – something that has gone astray in recent times. Be the safe pair of hands that makes decisions, sticks to them and gets the job done.
  3. Positivity

Build brand equity and reputation by focusing on confident and optimistic messaging to negate the negativity of news headlines. On line, in press, on TV and via social – be the silver lining, not the cloud.  Nobody likes a killjoy.

  1. Solidarity
    The worst thing to do in times of chaos is add to it. While the economy may be stagnating and the government might be startled by the headlights, successful brands remain steadfast in their brand strategy and customer communications. Pre and post Brexit Britain doesn’t need any more headless chickens.
  2. Empathy
    Many people were shocked by the stay/ go result – but could that be because we got complacent? We felt safe and secure in our European bubble. But every bubble has to pop – the tech bubble, the Facebook bubble, the Love Island bubble.

As marketing professionals, we profess to know our audiences but if the vote taught us anything it’s that we don’t know anyone as well as we should. The only thing predictable about people is that people are unpredictable.

Maybe it’s time to reconnect with customers – ask questions rather than assume we have all the answers. Don’t take them for granted. Remember you’re only one swipe or call away from being replaced by the promise of something bigger and better.

Treat them like it’s a first date. Tell them about your best bits. Reveal what makes you different from the rest and why you are the best person to be in partnership with. Find out what their ex partners did right and wrong. Discover what makes them tick. Understand their short term needs and long term dreams. They may fall head over heels all over again. Or they may tell you some home truths.

As with every break up, there may be tough times ahead but remember that with every hurdle comes an opportunity. Blooming businesses and bold brands will grasp these opportunities with both hands. Just remember to be generous, humble and compassionate while you go about your business. It’s what makes us great and united.

Not a job for me

There’s a big bah humbug cloud lurking over our festive skies this year. Threatening to stamp on our Christmas baubles and down all our festive spirit in one gluttonous glug.

The Brexit deal. Or lack of it. Or the uncertainty of it. It is the unwelcome guest at the Christmas dinner table. The unwanted gift under the tree. It’s the Grinch of Christmas 2018.

Love, loathe or indifferent to our PM, it’s the one job I can say I would have thrown my blood, sweat and tears-soaked towel in for by now. I would have waved my soggy surrender flag and limped off to the bliss of a long-haul, open-ticket holiday as far away from Europe as I could possibly get.

Even the flurry of early November Christmas TV ads hasn’t got me dreaming of a white Christmas just yet. So, I for one just want Brexit over and done with so we can get on with over-indulging, over-eating and over-spending just like every other Brexit-less Christmas.

In the meantime, 2019 planning must go on. Whatever the deal or no deal. Marketing budgets have to be allocated and spend on PR planned. We might have to rip it up and start again on 29thMarch but for now, clients still want innovative but cost-effective creative, clever but concise content, startling but significant social media and futureproof but formidable forecasts.

And that’s what we do best. For telematics, insurance, fleet management and employee benefits to name but a few sectors. Our PR campaigns cut through the clutter of Christmas and get coverage where others don’t. Our creative stands out to engage busy, hard to reach target audiences. Our ideas inspire, innovate and excite clients. Even in the run-up and wind-down to Christmas.

We might not love every aspect of our job but no matter what the brief, we never throw the towel in when the going gets tough or when we get asked to deliver the seemingly impossible.

Some of us get excited by writing informed web copy or technical case studies, others excel at Excel – revelling in seeing the results and ROI roll in, while some get their kicks from concepts that can transcend every element of the marketing mix. Some of our account managers relish the rewards of a well-organised contact or status report while another basks in the chaos of multi-tasking on multi projects for multi clients. We all bring something different to the festive table.

Even the Grinch can’t steal Christmas creativity from Cameron Wells.

But please ‘do one’ Brexit, I want to write my Christmas list without your festive-less fingers tapping on my shoulder telling me to cross off the Mulberry handbag. It’s British so I’m allowed it this year. It’s for my Brexited country. Not for me.